
5 Simple Tips to Improve Your IAQ This Summer

5 Simple Tips to Improve Your IAQ This Summer
As you spend more time indoors this summer, it is important to give special attention to your home’s indoor air quality. If you don’t know where to start fixing your IAQ, here are five (5) simple tips to keep a healthy and clean indoor air in Linden, NJ.
  1. Invest in Natural Air Fresheners

Unpleasant smells in the house can be unbearable and bothersome at times.  One way to combat these nasty smells is with an air freshener. Should you use commercial air fresheners that often have harmful chemicals or an organic one? We recommend that you use the latter for healthier indoor air.
  1. Clean as Often as Possible

Cleaning your house shouldn’t be a responsibility but a hobby. If you are after maintaining the highest quality of air in your home, never neglect to clean your home regularly. Set rules for your family that support cleanliness and orderliness.
  1. Get a Humidifier

Summer means that the air inside your home can become dry and stiff which can result in dry eyes, skin irritation, sinusitis, and other respiratory problems. Not only that, dry air can cause shocks and cracks on wood floors especially if they aren’t made of hardwood. A humidifier can prevent these problems by adding water vapor in your indoor air. Several types of humidifier fit your home and comfort needs. You can choose either a whole-home or portable humidifier, depending on your requirements.
  1. Spend Money on New Air Filters

Your air conditioner will be working hard throughout the warm months. Purchase new filters to prepare your home for the season. Get the air filters that trap a large volume of airborne particles to ensure safety and comfort to everyone.
  1. Conduct a CO Level Test

If you haven’t installed carbon monoxide detectors at home, today is the best time to purchase one. CO detectors have smart technologies that send alerts if your home is unsafe if CO levels have reached their maximum. Ask your HVAC contractor to inspect them at your next scheduled maintenance to ensure that they are working fine. Maintaining clean and safe indoor air is possible through simple efforts with the help of professionals. Contact us at Blue Air One, Inc., to schedule an IAQ test and maintenance. Call us today!  